
It feels like it jumped from August right in to October without September ever being!  Sorry I have been absent…my excuses are below; however if you don’t fancy reading about them you can skip to the crochet I have to show you, below!

It feels like we have entered a whole new life season here at the nest…all of my boys are now in high school and we are all trying to figure out a new normal.  My evenings consist of co-ordinating logistics with Mr R, ferrying each to various sporting activities, or taking girlfriends home or picking up from girlfriends houses or trying to figure out whether it is ok for them to get the train to and from football on a Friday evening…I feel like I am constantly asking myself the question, is it safe?   Turns out very little seems safe these days, but I guess that is how they grow up…I’ve just got to let them…some how!

Whilst we’ve been adjusting autumn has tiptoed in quietly but surely, but I am yet to appreciate its glory and splendour.  Mr R has done some serious damage to his knee and it has put pay to our usual long walks.  So all in all life has been up in the air a bit, but we are beginning to settle now, I think.

I do have some crochet to show you though.  The arrival of Autumn compelled me to start a new blanket.

mosaic crochet

The blanket pattern is called ‘The dark wave Throw’ by Redsparrowcrochet

mosic crochet

you should really pop over and take a look, Esme, has some stunning patterns available…I am in awe!

It is a brand new skill set for me as it is mosaic crochet, which I have never done before.  The pattern is very well written, but it is definitely not a project for in front of the tv as I do have to concentrate very hard  and focus on what I am doing.  As a consequence I am making slow progress, but the thrill of watching the pattern emerge is hugely satisfying.

I have also been making some more bear hats

baby bear hat

pattern by Rachel Glassco 

(some alterations to pattern made by myself)

 and I have been making orders for this very cute Santa hat.

santa hat for baby

The pattern for this hat is the  ‘Mint elf hat’

santa baby hat


by East Coast Stitches

The faux fur trim is a polyester yarn by James C Brett called ‘Chinchilla’.  I have never used a faux fur yarn before as I thought they would be tricky to work with.  However, I found this easier than I thought I would.  I felt for the stitches rather than seeing them and I just love the look of this hat.  The faux fur is just so super soft and the oversized pompom finishes this hat off just perfectly; needless to say I have a few orders for these so will be hooking some more in the coming days.

I have also been working on a pattern for a sensory teething ring, but I am still in the very early stages of this, so I will update as I make progress.  So, I think that is about it, if you have got this far…thanks for stopping by.  I’m off to do a little more mosaic crochet, with a cup of coffee…now there’s a nice safe thing to do!



Amigurumi and CE testing…

Amigurumi and CE testing…that is what I am trying to figure out right now and it’s a sizeable pain in the butt!

  Since hooking up my zebra last summer, I have had people ask me to make their children one…but, I have been hesitant; as in the UK and within Europe toys must by law carry the CE mark.

crochet zebraSo, for a long while I was completely put off the idea of making anymore amigurumi…but, my little zebra is just so delightful that every time I look at him I want to hook another, in a different colour of course.  I also want to hook a giraffe and a bear and all manner of other cute stuffies. 

amigurumi unicorn

So, I have done some research and my brain hurts…it really does.  But, I have found that I can  do my own CE testing…yes, that’s a whole lot cheaper than sending toys of to the lab to be CE tested! 

CE testing also involves science experiments! 

So, I am enlisting the help of my Dad as he is a retired primary school teacher, and hence very thorough and I know he will help make sure my testing is rigorous, which is just what I need.  

crochet zebra

The testing requires two prototypes of each toy, one to test prewash, one to test post washing.  I am finding the thought of making two a bit galling to be honest, as it will use my precious stash…but, I am just going to have to get over that!

The testing is even more vexing to me as I have to set fire to it…let me rephrase that…I have to set fire to my zebra!  If that still doesn’t register with you


Yes, I thought that might get your attention…I feel anxious about just typing that, let alone striking the match.  If my prototype survives that, I then have to suspend various weights from it amongst some other things, like checking the materials used are all EN71 compliant.  Of course all this has to be documented properly too.

If anyone knows any better than this or has experience of CE testing or can point me in the right direction, especially on what is required by law to sell toys outside of Europe, I would  really love to chat with you; as I have decided to bite the bullet and will commence testing soon.

But, first I am going to have to make some more amigurumi for the slaughter, as I just can’t bring myself to burn my zebra!


Something new…


Hi lovelies…I have some really exciting news; which may explain my absence here at the nest over the last couple of months. 

 It is quite late here now and I have been trying to write this post since Friday, so I will keep this post short. 

I have come to the point in my crochet journey, where I can no longer just crochet for crochet sake…I have more blankets than I can shake a stick at and I think my long suffering family and dear friends are done with my handmade makes! 

So, after 12 months of deliberation and self doubt I have found my big girl pants and will be opening a little Etsy shop, very soon!!!

I have been busy making behind the scenes

newborn hats Cute little baby hats

baby burp clothsBaby burp cloths

baby blanketand of course, baby blankets

crochet cupcakes
Cupcake Trio

and cakes too! 

You can spot the theme…beautiful handmade baby essentials and toddler toys. 

I will of course still blog…and don’t worry it won’t all be Etsy related, I promise. 

You may see some housekeeping changes over the coming weeks, as I embark on freshening up the look of this site…I do hope you will bear with me and I hope you will continue to journey with me,

because I really enjoy having you along for the ride!

A Wee Scottish Adventure…

Last weekend Mr R and I took the train and embarked upon a wee Scottish adventure. 

It was business for Mr R but I tagged along with my hook and yarn.  The temptation of a long train journey without the little Robins was just too much, even if it did mean an early start!


  It provided a whole few hours of just sitting watching the world go by with just Mr R for company and the opportunity for guilt free hooking…what was not to love!

ayarnyrobin crochet on a trainI got some more rows done on my Charming Harbour Blanket…I am still hooking away at this.  It is rather slow going, not because of the pattern, more the sheer size of the thing and the fact that I am only working on it every now and then.  But, I am enjoying the hook and I do not have any deadline pressures with this one.  

Crochet blanket
Charming Harbour blanket PHD

The journey to Glasgow and then onto Ayrshire was hassle free and I can highly recommend hooking on a train…there is something  about the rhythm of the hooking combined with the uniform clickety clack of the train which hushes one into a calm serenity.

crochet crocheton the train

Mr R got the business thing done quickly and we wound our way down to the north Lake District and found a charming little place to stay in Cockermouth before heading back home to the little Robins because by then we were really beginning to miss them!


End of year review…Bring on 2018

2017 has certainly had it’s ups and it’s downs.  I am pleased  to report that it is ending on an up.  I have really enjoyed perusing back through my posts and have picked out my favourite from each month in way of  reviewing 2017 here at the nest.  Before we begin I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of my seasoned readers, to those of you that have recently discovered this little corner of yarniness and to you if you have  just stumbled across this post by accident.

Without all of you, I would just be here, hooking and writing and hooking some more; annoying my family by taking photo’s every 2 minutes and whilst that would be ok, it is so much more fun with you dropping by and saying hi every once in a while.  You encourage me and inspire me to keep blogging about all things yarny and for that I am very grateful. 

So grab a glass of prosecco or the bottle!  or maybe a cuppa if you prefer and lets look back at 2017 here at the nest.

January 2017 

shawl crochet ayarnyrobin
crochet in bed.

2017 began with shawls, having completed x2 virus shawls I had the bug for more.  This‘ is the ‘pink shawl’ by Cecile Balladino,  and it is still one of my favourites although I still can’t call it the ‘pink shawl!’

February 2017

#yarnlove challenge 2017

I had so much fun doing the yarn love challenge during February.  A post a day was a challenge, but I relished the daily prods to share. 

I’d love to do this again in 2018. 

Here is a little link to my favourite #yarnlovechallenge post and another favourite… well I couldn’t just pick one!

March 2017

Sunday Shawl by Alia Bland
Sunday Shawl hooking

Another month another shawl…This time the beautiful Sunday Shawl by Alia Bland.  This project proved to be the perfect way to jump into spring, maybe it was those delicious pastels against the warmth of the grey.


Alpaca cake…

A milestone birthday, an alpaca birthday cake, and a graduation. I couldn’t have imagined a happier set of celebrations. I was so  blissfully unaware of the catastrophe about to beset us.

May 2017

Interlocking stitch

At least I got some crochet in whilst juggling hospital trips and the absence of a critically ill Mr R…crochet is not only my joy it’s my default when things get tough…my sanity. 

This Baby Wilmer blanket, filled me with hope, a new life just entering this world, whilst life at the nest  felt as if it had paused in some horrific nightmare.

June 2017 

yarnbomb, ayarnyrobin gate installation

Mr R had prayerfully turned a corner  and our healing had begun, it was time for some fun and this yarny gate installation celebrated that!

July 2017

free dog collar crochet pattern...simple free pattern which you can crochet in under an hour
Jess… with her new crochet collar.

Still healing, but healing well! 

Small projects worked best and this ‘Oh so cute’ free dog collar pattern went down a treat with little Jess.

August 2017

C2C crochet baby blanket, crochet heart squares in paintbox cotton yarn
crochet and coffee

I fell so in love with these adorable C2C (corner to corner)hearts that I just couldn’t stop hooking them!  I couldn’t!! 

They fell off my hook so quickly that before I knew where I was I had enough for a blanket of hearts. 

I have to confess that I still need to border this lovely…yes it is still a PHD (project half done).  In my defense I just can’t decide what colour to border it in!

September 2017

crochet barefoot sandals - Corfu designed by, summer feet
Corfu – Barefoot sandals

September felt much more ‘normal’ although I don’t know why…I spent a large majority of it bobbing around on a lazy river being drenched in golden sunshine on the amazing island of Corfu.  I didn’t forget about you though…look I made these barefoot sandals  by the pool… here’s the link to the free pattern just in case you fancy a pretty 20 minute hook up!

October 2017

Autumn woodland walks a plenty, a suprising wildlife sighting and family…I am so blessed.

November 2017

The Grandma Dot Tea Cosy, crochet tea cosy, The Grandma Collection by ayarnyrobin
Grandma Dot Tea Cosy

Finally, the release of my newest tea cosy in the Grandma Collection…the Grandma Dot tea cosy.  I don’t know why this took me so long to publish but it did.  Anyway, thank you for your frankly very kind feedback about this free pattern…there will be another one coming very shortly in the new year.

December 2017

loom knitted hat, ayarnyrobin
loom knitted beanie…

I told you 2017 ended on an up…the hat fit!

Enough said. 

Thank you 2017 for the joy, for the triumphs, for the challenge and even for the heartbreak…for all the folk that have stood alongside me whether that has been for a few minutes, a few days or for those lifers that are always cheering me on… you know who you are.  

Finally, thank you once again to you, for riding this journey with me… I think you are amazing and want to wish you all a very blessed and  extremely yarny 2018…

wherever it may take you.



Crochet, senior moments and mud!

What do crochet, senior moments and mud have in common? 

Well the answer is me! 

It has been a looooong week…let’s just say that.  Yesterday I was the Duty Health Visitor in the office, we take it in turns to triage calls and sort out various problems…I won’t bore you with the detail.  I took a call from a worried parent and said I’d get the Duty Health Visitor (which was me…I just forgot!!)  After  several enquiries amongst my colleagues I was gently reminded (actually,ribbed to the max) it was me.  I returned to the phone and in a posher voice said Duty Health Visitor, how can I help you? 

This was followed later in the day when I received an email from my GP asking me to attend a well woman check (for women over a certain age)…sigh! 

Then…yes there is more! I had to ask to borrow my Mom’s glasses for the very first time ever to read a food packet. 

Oh my!…little signs.

Another feature looming large in my week has been mud…lots of mud.  I have become a rugby mamma and I need help!  How on earth do I get this….erm…earth out of his kit.

Proud of my boy…he sure can tackle!

Please let me have any top tips for getting rid of all this mud! 

I also need your crochet help…pattern recommendations.  I want to make a few beanie style hats for Christmas, male and female.  I have a few, but they always seem to come off my hook too large or I am always a little disappointed with them.  Can you wholeheartedly recommend a superb pattern?  I would be  so very grateful. 

Have a great weekend.



15000 riders came past the bottom of our street yesterday, on a 100 mile ride on closed roads.  I made a coffee and took the very short walk in the early morning sunshine with the boys.

velo Birmingham 2017

I sat with my neighbours as we watched all sorts of people from all walks of life zoom past.

They rode so fast it made me a little dizzy, but they were so inspiring.  I guess all of them having different motives to complete the challenge.  

A lot of folk had been moaning about the extensive road closures…but I was excited, a few hours of something completely different and a rare chance for our community to come together and drink coffee on the pavement together and chat. 

I can’t tell you what 15000 riders looked like, I just know that for hours they poured down our hill, determined and pumped and probably a little exhausted, but exhilarated and achieving. 

I returned home, empty mug in hand

Velo Birmingham

I made a fresh coffee and settled down with new yarn and began to hook my newest project

crochet blanket, a new blanket…

a masculine and handsome edition to the blankets I have hooked in the past.  I’m 13 rows in and  loving it!



Thank you Corfu…

Thank you Corfu…

Thank you for sundrenched days 

Thank you for time with my brood, for rest and relaxation and time just to breathe a new rhythm for a while

 Thank you for tequilla sunrise and Corfu beer

Thank you that I was able to create x1 barefoot sandal

 well, I was just too busy doing not a lot!  See…

Thank you for time spent in your Old Town, where the streets came alive after dusk with the chatter of the swifts overhead and where the street sellers appeared from nowhere with their wares.

  For your cobbled alley ways crammed with unique gems and treasures. 

Thank you for fun, lots of fun… 

Thank you Corfu for helping our healing and for new memories. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.



A belated gift and a belated thank you…

Things are still very tough here at the nest, but we are hanging in.  Mr R is now out of hospital and we have nurses attending at home. We are healing slowly, but have a long road ahead of us.

I am finding I can crochet again for short periods of time, it is as much as my mind can focus on and I am enjoying the little bit of creativity my hook is giving me.

I have started a new project …yes, I know another one!

sneek peek…

But, it is quirky and fun and I have enjoyed the creative process of designing it.  I will share more as I progress. 

I really wanted to drop in and give a BIG shout out and thank you to Ginny over at mytimestitching who sent me this gorgeous sock yarn, which I won in a competition she ran on her lovely blog.

My yarny win…Thanks Ginny x

  I received this yarn a while back now along with a lovely shawl pattern.  I am not sure what I will hook yet, but for now it is enough to keep squishing it! 

I also received a belated birthday present a few weeks back too, this stunning yarn bowl, handmade by Sarah Whyte Ceramics

beautifully handcrafted

Ginny’s yarn fits in just perfectly.



Just wanted to pop by and let you know that it is a bit quiet around here at the moment.  It is quiet for good reason, detail that I won’t drag you down with. 

As Baz Luhrmann states

The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind.
The kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday. 

So, forgive my absence it is only temporary. 

I will post photo’s of the little bit of crochet I am managing to do as and when I can.
