And the winner is…

So, today is the day to draw the winner of

the yarny give-a-way.


What better way to cheer up a very rainy day…I have relished this lazy Saturday…in the rain,

mooching around town in the rain
mooching around town in the rain

I gathered supplies for a rainy day activity for the little robins

rainy day supplies
rainy day supplies

and could not resist these bright sunny gerberas

sunny gerberas
sunny gerberas

After lunch the boys settled in for the afternoon with a movie…which gave Mr R and myself the opportunity to deploy ‘operation laser alley’

our hallway became a laser alley
our hallway became a laser alley

and then we enjoyed a coffee together and waited for the boys to discover their mission…and while we waited I began the yarny robin give-a-way draw

26 of you lovelies entered
26 of you lovelies entered

and into the beanie cap you all went


but there could only be one winner….and the

winner is……..


 Congratulations nanacathy2, you are the proud owner of more yarn!!



10 thoughts on “And the winner is…

    1. It is just paper streamers fastened to the wall or floor with masking (decoraters) tape….the idea being to make a way through without touching a streamer (or laser beam). Of course if you do then the streamer will break or pull down….I typed ‘rainy day fun’ into pintrest and started a new board of ideas.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thank you thank you thank you. It was such a lovely surprise for me on this rainy Sunday! The laser quest looks great fun, my boys would have loved it when they were little. Bit grown up now though! Still there are grandchildren!!

    Liked by 1 person

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