it was at the bottom of a stash bag!


Well this week I am posting and posting on time!

It’s been a while I know… but I think that I must start by thanking some very special people.  If you read last weeks post you will know that I had lost my crojo! and I was desperate to find it again.  After searching high and low to no avail, these very kind folk all offered their help in hunting for my elusive  and misplaced enthusiasm;

Lucy, from aknitandacake despite having no crojo herself mailed me some enthusiasm.

Kim, from auntmaudknits kindly offered to send the great Aunt Maud herself, to come and have a good old rummage around in the search!!!

Ruth, from mysparemoments offered to search despite her leg being in a cast.

Iris, over at thegreenonion  offered some of her very own crojo.

Last but by no means least…Sandra, atfarmgirlsam suggested amongst other things a bit of yarny retail therapy.

I am pleased to report that after all that help, I found my crojo at the bottom of an old stash bag… and got x2 items ticked off my year of projects list.  A beanie for my Summer Robin and another for my Autumn Robin…I have no pics as they are away this weekend and their beanies have gone with them!  I will post in the week about them.

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As you can see from the photo I took Sandra’s advice and indulged in some (restrained) yarny retail therapy.  Isn’t it delicious…it’s telling me to hook it into some hottie covers for Christmas!

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I also had a little dabble around in Etsy and got these cute little elephant buttons.

bowling balls
bowling balls

I have also spent some very precious time with lil robins this weekend as it has just been him and me, as big brother is at scout camp and other big brother and Mr. R are on a cubs, lads and dads weekend. Lil robins’ requested we go bowling and eat pizza

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and ice cream

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He has talked my head off about flying cars and ninjago.  We’ve played pool and drunk slush puppies too, had long walks with the dogs in our wellies, watched movies snuggled up together and he has enjoyed sleeping in Mommy’s bed and Mommy has enjoyed that too!

Anyway, have a good week and thanks again for all of your help, I am going to enjoy the last few hours with lil Robins, we’re off to church, before the boys return with all that dirty, dirty washing!!

7 thoughts on “it was at the bottom of a stash bag!

  1. Glad you’ve found your crojo!

    And love that you’ve spent some quality time with your little robin! Sounds like great fun.

    Can’t wait to see the two beanies pictures!



  2. Oh I’m so glad you found your crojo and even finishing off two projects way to go you. Your weekend with lil robin sounds just wonderful and just what a weekend should be like, maybe minus in the influx of dirty dirty washing but I reckon they’ll have had a blast also making all that dirty washing. Love the new yarn and buttons, retail therapy like chocolate always makes things better.


  3. Such great news for. Losing crojo can be frustrating. Sounds like you received all the right help and are back in track! And time with your Lil’ Robin is TRUELY precious.


  4. I’m so glad we could all help….that’s what friends are for! And I am loving that yarn you got too. Luscious! It’s so wonderful that you got to spend special time with your little guy. I had 4 and what I loved most was spending “one-on-one” time with each. It sounds like you made the most of your weekend and I hope you keep your “crojo” for awhile now because I enjoy your posts. Have a great week!


  5. So happy you found your missing crojo…….isn’t it always in the most probable place. I love your new yarn, it will make a gorgeously snuggly hot water bottle cover.

    Sounds like you had a fun weekend with your littlest one.


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